Open Water
Northern Tigers Swimming
About Open Water Swimming
Open water swimming is a truly different experience to the pool, which all swimmers should try it at least once! Without the confines of lane ropes or walls, it’s liberating, adventurous, and unique.
Open water also appeals to the adrenalin-seekers. Competitive races are often frenetic and fierce, with swimmers hustling and bustling for their positions.
So, what exactly is open-water swimming?
A fair question!
Technically speaking, open-water swimming takes place anywhere that isn’t a swimming pool. This means no man-made sides and bottom, and no lane ropes or black lines to follow.
Open water venues include:
- Dams
- Rivers
- Oceans
Most people find the freedom and lack of chemicals so invigorating they can’t help coming out of the water feeling happy and relaxed.
However, you do have to consider there are plants, fish and other things living in the water which add to the fun! You might also see open water swimming referred to as wild swimming or outdoor swimming.
The names are very interchangeable but to make things easy we stick to the term open water swimming.
NTS Open Water Swimming is one of the fastest growing disciplines and 33 of our swimmers qualified to participate in the SA National Open Water Championships in 2023. We were able to maintain the medal standard of 2022 and totalled 18 medals at the National Championships.
Open Water Committee